Bus Ticket.

Advertising on bus tickets allows you to place your brand into the hands of your consumer.

Bus tickets are purchased by passengers and become their personal property sometimes for days, weeks and even a month when buying saver tickets.

Over 50% of bus journeys in the UK are taken with the purpose of heading to the shops (TGI) and bus tickets are the last window of opportunity to target your consumers before they make a purchase. Bus ticket advertising allows you to cut through the clutter on the high street and directly reach and engage your consumers with promotions, offers and information.

Bus ticket advertising campaigns can reach the whole of the UK, and we can plan them with local, regional or national relevance. You can even have multiple messages to relate to each area of your campaign!

Why advertise on Bus Tickets

Our skilled media planners will ensure your advertising message will end up in the right hands and we can place your bus ticket advertising on particular bus routes and services to target all demographic profiles, genders and age groups. We can also tailor your campaign dependent on the message promoting retail, recruitment, public communications, entertainment updates and even student messages.

Your adverts will be printed in full colour and any design of your choosing within the bus ticket dimension. Transport Media also offer bespoke bus ticket campaigns to add an element to your campaign including Scratch & Reveal, 3D tickets, scented, heat sensitive, metallic inks and fluorescent.

Advertising on bus tickets ultimately is a take away reminder of your brand. Call us on 0208 003 2573 for your free bus advertising campaign plan.